Friday, October 29, 2010

Rev. Makokha's last full day in the USA, October 27, 2010

Makokha at Parelli's desk area
on interview with OUTTAKE
by Rev. Stephen Parelli, Other Sheep Executive Director, Bronx, NY

A big thanks to all those who helped in NYC with arranging for John's speaking engagements

Together, and with the help of many friends in New York City, John Makokha and Steve Parelli were able to present Other Sheep Kenya in four church settings and one home setting: The Riverside Church, where we presented to Maranatha - Riversiders for LGBT Concerns; Rehoboth Temple in Harlem; Metropolitan Community Church of New York; Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew, United Methodist (SPSA); and the Parelli-Ortiz home in the Bronx.

Makokha presenting at SPSA,
October 26, 2010
 Many people participated in making possible these events: The Convener of Maranatha, Karen Taylor; the pastor of Rehoboth Temple, Elder Joseph Tolton; Rev. Pat Bumgardner, pastor of MCC-NY; Bridget Cabrera, associate pastor of Young Adult Ministry at SPSA; Dr. Dorothee Benz of MIND; and Jose Ortiz, Other Sheep Coordinator for Africa. Rev. Stephen Parelli coordinated John’s visit to NYC.

Makokha with Dorothee
Benz of MIND
John 's last day: an interview and an evening meeting  (See photos of this event on Facebook)

Tuesday, October 27, was Rev. Makokha's last full day on this, his first visit to the United States of America. He spent this day at the Parelli-Ortiz home --- first, with an interview with OUTTAKE that Steve had arranged in advance; then, by spending the afternoon working Other Sheep Kenya at Jose's desk and computer; and briefly, by providing photos for the PowerPoint presentation Steve was finishing up for the evening meeting at the Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew.

Attendees at Makokha's Other Sheep Kenya presentation, hosted by
the Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew, United Methodist,
October 26, 2010

To the airport - And a special thanks for Jorge Lockward for providing lodging

The following day, Wednesday, October 27, Steve went to the home where John was staying - the home of Jorge Lockward on the Upper West Side in Manhattan - and helped John with his luggage and accompanied him to the JFK airport by way of the A train. The luggage was full with many books, other resources and a laptop -gifts from individuals and Other Sheep to take back for the Other Sheep Kenya resource center.

Makokha with Kent Klindera
of amfAR Aids Reserach
After checking in, John and Steve lunched together in the airport and discussed further the needs and goals of Other Sheep Kenya.

John Makokha at the desk of
Jose Ortiz, Parelli-Ortiz home,
Bronx, NY, October 26, 2010
Another great visit from Africa ...

Rev. John Makokha's visit to NYC -- and to Tennessee, Ohio and other parts of the Mid-west -- was much appreciated. Once again, someone from Africa has personally, and effectively, made known the LGBT needs and other social needs in Kenya, and in Africa in general.

Another individual (name withheld) coordinated John’s visits outside of New York City.

Rev. John Makokha (right) with Steve Parelli,
on the A train to JFK airport, with suitcases
packed with rescource materials -- And a lot
of good contacts from networking.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

With only a two-week notice, much was accomplished in NYC

John's visit to America was from October 12-27.  He purchased his tickets on Oct. 9, having learned perhaps just three days earlier that he was being invited by friends of Reconciling Ministries Network.  His trip included a visit with the board of RMN.  Much was certainly accomplished in view of the fact that Other Sheep in NYC had just a two-week notice before his arrival in NYC. 

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